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Taking new technologies out of the lab and into the air – and to Frankfurt airport, Germany, on static display on November 19th and 20th

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Überlingen, 19. November 2019 – Diehl Aviation has joined several aerospace companies as partners in Boeing’s prestigious 2019 ecoDemonstrator program. The US-based aircraft manufacturer has initiated this year’s round of its long-running research and development initiative, including connected cabin technologies – one of Diehl’s strongest development focuses.

Diehl is involved in Boeing’s ecoDemonstrator program with its eSmart Galley monument and as consortium leader for “Intelligent and Smart Cabin” (i+sCabin), an international research program for the definition of standards for connected cabin features. Diehl is also part of OPSTIMAL, a research project looking at predictive maintenance of cabin and avionics components, which is part of Boeing’s 2019 ecoDemonstrator program as well.

Diehl’s eSmart Galley includes new cabin communication architectures and smart functions. Its advanced crew interface can be customized to crew needs and support crew tasks, such as inventory management and power management, leading to increased power efficiency. i+sCabin is addressing the key goal of facilitating the collection and exchange of data to generate a real-time status of all aircraft cabin areas during flight, eventually leading to a new, necessary standard for cabin communications. Flight-testing i+sCabin on board Boeing’s ecoDemonstrator allows research to be done during real in-flight conditions, accelerating future product development cycles to reduce the time to market.

The ecoDemonstrator will make several stops during its flight test program, one being Frankfurt (Germany) on November 19th and 20th, 2019. Diehl Aviation is a committed participant in the two-day program this week at Germany’s busiest airport, when the ecoDemonstrator’s technology mission will be presented to government officials, industry representatives and STEM students to help inspire the next generation in aerospace leadership.

More Information www.diehl.com

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