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Cetos Dronekit to equip ECA Group’s Unmanned Surface Vehicles for the Belgian-Dutch Mine Counter Measure (MCM) program

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Saint-Germain-en-Laye (France) – 15/09/2021 – Cetos Dronekit’s Sense module (made by Robopec, iXblue’s Robotics division) has been selected by ECA Group to provide complete scene analysis for collision avoidance to their unmanned surface vehicles (USV). Out of Cetos’ three modules, the Sense module serves the critical role of merging visual and navigation data acquired by the USV’s various sensors, and of elaborating a safe and feasible route through the operation area.

ECA Group will integrate Cetos Dronekit’s sense module on USVs for the Belgian-Dutch MCM program, carried by Belgium Naval & Robotics, a joint venture between Naval Group and ECA Group. This innovative program, amongst the largest of its kind, aims to provide new generation mine hunting vessels. These new ships will rely heavily on unmanned vehicles, to detect, identify and neutralize mines while keeping both the crew and the ships safe.

CetosDronekit Kopie

Foto iXblue

“Cetos Dronekit’s Sense module will integrate perfectly with already selected iXblue systems, within the MCM program. We are proud of Belgium Naval & Robotics’ trust. This program is a major reference for Robopec solutions and a testimony of our know-how” states Eric Franchi, Sales Director, at Robopec.

iXblue Robotics division’s software met the extensive and high standard requirements of its client. “A sea proven and mature solution, Cetos’ Sense module also innovates by addressing further collision avoidance regulations (COLREGs) than required. This innovation makes it not only great at percepting and avoiding obstacles, but also at inserting within naval traffic, as well as abiding to maritime regulations” adds Eric Franchi. ECA Group USVs will benefit from Cetos’ innovations and adaptability.

iXblue has already gained the trust of Belgium Naval & Robotics in the recent past. The French company will indeed provide critical systems for the program’s new, state-of-the-art vessels. They will benefit from the renowned FOG technology with the integration of iXblue’s Inertial Navigation Systems (INS). These INS will ensure reliable and high-performance navigation at all times, including in GNSS denied environments. In addition, iXblue will provide SeapiX-FLS7 sonars, allowing for real-time mine and obstacle analysis & detection, with incredible precision. Cetos Dronekit works perfectly in tandem with the SeapiX-FLS Series. At last, Gaps USBLs will be used for tracking and communicating with ECA Group’s AUVs.

More information. www.ixblue.com

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