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PELI agrees a big donation to several fire, police and humanitarian entities, among them, Red Cross

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Barcelona, July 2020 – PELI Products, being the global leader in the design and manufacture of high-performance protective cases and advanced lighting systems, is uniquely positioned to provide support to those most in need. After its large donation of PELI 9600 Lighting systems to the Italian Red Cross at the beginning of the crisis, PELI decided to help its closer community in Barcelona; the city where the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) headquarters is located.

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PELI´s Donation facilitated by Ignasi Perez, Sales Manager South Europe, in May 2020
Foto ©Maximiliano Rotunno

PELI’s donation to the ‘Fundació Patrimoni Natural de Matadepera´ includes fire & rescue teams, forest preservation and law enforcement entities

The foundation was created for the preservation and to improve safety against natural hazards, fires and emergencies, with the ultimate goal of reducing the loss of assets and natural heritage in our territory: Matadepera and the Natural Park of Sant Llorenç del Munt i l’Obac. Approximately 45 torches PELI 1910 has been given to them.

Other entities belonging to the same Foundation such as a unit of the local Police has also received a selection of 400 models including PELI 7110, 7610 and 7620 from PELI. Furthermore, several Fire departments from Barcelona and Catalunya have received 1380 units of PELI 3325Z0 and almost 50 units of PELI 9430; the Forest Agents and Fire departments also received approximately 1020 headlamps of model PELI 2785Z1. Lastly, the Red Cross of Barcelona has received 300 headlamps.

Piero Marigo, Managing Director of PELI says “we are delighted to contribute with our lighting systems to these professional entities, especially after the complexity of the times we have gone through during the last months. We are totally sure they will use them for humanitarian search and rescue and to preserve our environment too”.

More Information www.peli.com


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